Thursday, January 19, 2012

July 30, 2011 – Suffering donkey saved by Dr Sudeep

Dr Sudeep Koirala, veterinary manager of our equine outreach programme, managed to save the life of Anna, a 14-year old female donkey whose uterus prolapsed when giving birth to a dead foal. Dr Sudeep first cleaned the uterus using povidone iodine. He then proceeded by providing a painkiller and antibiotics injection. After that he slowly and carefully pushed the uterus back in, blocking the exit with a bottle until everything was back in place. 
Once the uterus was in its original position the mother donkey was able to relax. “I had been working intensively for a few hours on this challenging job, and only when the donkey felt fine I could relax as well,” says Sudeep.

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